
SEMILUX 13 February 2019

  • Lieu

    University of Luxembourg, Belval Campus Maison des Sciences Humaines, 1st floor – the LISER Seminar Room 1

    11 Porte des Sciences

    4366, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU

In order to bring together the main actors in social sciences in Luxembourg, the PEARL team has established a monthly social sciences seminar in collaboration with LISER and the Inspection Générale de la Sécurité Sociale.

This seminar aims to integrate the spread-out potential for research on social inequalities that exists in Luxembourg.

Professional researchers, PhD students and policy analysts interested in social science research are particularly welcome to attend the seminar, participate in the discussions and present their research. Please contact anne.hartung@uni.lu

The following 2 presentations are scheduled :

  • Kelsey O’Connor, Statec – The effect of immigration on native’s well-being in Europe
  • Oshrat Hochman, Gesis – Desantangeling relationships between debts, negative life events, and subjective well-being