
12th HPC School

  • Lieu

    University of Luxembourg Belval campus, Maison du Savoir, room 4.500


The University of Luxembourg will host the 12th edition of its High-Performance Computing (HPC) school from 6 to 8 June 2023 on Belval campus. 


This three-days event targets mostly advanced HPC usage. Indeed, the HPC team, along with leading computational scientists of the University of Luxembourg and HPC technologists, will provide guided sessions on a diverse range of topics related to research activities and domains prevalent at the university. These topics include: 

  • HPC workflow management (for sequential and parallel tasks) 
  • HPC programming and usage of the main software available on the platform, with dedicated sessions directed towards Scalable Science (OpenMP/MPI), GPU trainings (CUDA programming, Neural Networks), R, Python, Big Data analytics, Deep and Machine learning etc. 
  • Virtualization with Singularity containers on the clusters 

The goal of this HPC school is to cover advanced usage of the platform, along with its use cases. Before attending the event, please ensure that you have satisfied the following prerequisites: 

  • Get an account before the event 
  • Being able to log into to the platform
  • Being able to transfer files to the platform 
  • Basic linux command-line skills are required to follow-up the practical sessions 

For this purpose, you can rely on the ULHPC documentation 

New collaboration with Amazon Web Services

On September 6th, 2022, The University of Luxembourg (Uni.lu) through its ULHPC team has announced a collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to deploy the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) cloud computing infrastructure. This collaboration aims at accelerating strategic High-Performance Computing (HPC) research and development in Europe. Along with the 10 practical sessions, we would like to extend an invitation to a feedback session about the AWS-Uni.lu call for projects that resulted in the funding of four projects. During this session, members of the funded projects will discuss their experience and present their findings to the community. The Cloud-based HPC cluster relies on AWS’s latest technology with its new Graviton3 (c7g instances) processor


Registration is mandatory by completing the online form by 26 May 2023. Please note that the number of available seats is limited to 50 and will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis to those who meet the prerequisites. Therefore, early registration is highly recommended. 

We are pleased to announce that participation in this edition is free of charge for members of the University of Luxembourg and all our partners. 

More information: https://hpc.uni.lu/education/hpcschool