
How to implement arbitration in temporarily occupied territories

  • Université / Administration centrale et Rectorat
    29 septembre 2022
  • Catégorie
    Recherche, Université

As a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many scholars and scientists have left the country. More than 30 Ukrainian researchers displaced by the war have temporarily joined the University of Luxembourg mainly as research fellows and in some cases under temporary contracts funded by the FNR. In this series of interviews, we briefly present the researchers and their work.

Serhii Kravtsov was an Associate Professor at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in Kharkiv, Ukraine. He is now a Visiting Researcher at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance at the University of Luxembourg.

What is your research field and which specific topic are you working on?

My professional interests are civil procedure and international commercial arbitration, as well as enforcement. Currently I am working on the “Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Decisions and International Commercial Arbitration in Temporary Occupied (Unrecognised) Territories”.

What would you like to achieve in your research work here, in Luxembourg?

I would like to continue my research at the University of Luxembourg, specifically in areas of recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions, international commercial arbitration. For the successful realisation of my project proposal, I may engage my colleagues from different European states and, using my knowledge of main languages of the Eastern European region, explore new results with the access to bases and libraries, conduct surveys and interviews with practitioners from Ukraine, and achieve the necessary results.

Will your research have a potential impact on people’s everyday life?

My research may have a huge impact on the improvement of the national legislation not only of Ukraine but many countries where territories were occupied.

I believe that my work is a comparative analysis of international law and national law which do not yet answer questions about the implementation of arbitral awards in certain territories. The resolution of commercial disputes between parties plays a major role in the development of international business and trade. Understanding the risks involved in arbitration would therefore be a crucial issue for the entire world.

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