
Legal Design Offers a Human-Centered Perspective to the Law

  • Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)
    17 novembre 2020
  • Catégorie

Adapting information and technology to all different types of potential users is becoming a common practice in many fields, but applying this philosophy to the legal domain is a complex question. Legal design does just that, by taking an interdisciplinary approach that promotes human-centered design to prevent or solve legal problems.

SnT’s Dr Arianna Rossi, a specialist in this field, recently sat down with LINC (Laboratoire d’Innovation Numérique de la CNIL), an arm of the French data protection regulator CNIL, to describe her research work, which you can read here.

During the interview, Rossi explains the three pillars of legal design: interdisciplinarity, a proactive approach, and user consideration. She clarifies how legal design goes beyond basic “design” aesthetics and looks at making legal information functional for the user, for example by using privacy icons and other visual communication tools to ensure that legal documents are easily searchable and usable by the interested parties.

The article offers a great primer on legal design and insight into what Rossi’s work is all about, and we encourage you to discover the text. Full link: