
Asteroid Day 2020

  • Lieu


Link: https://asteroidday.org

Asteroid Day is the official United Nations’ day of global awareness and education about asteroids, their importance in our history, and the role they play in our solar system. Co-founded by astrophysicist and musician Brian May, Asteroid Day is organised by the Asteroid Foundation, a Luxembourg-based non-profit organization. SnT is proud to among the partners of this year’s edition.

Throughout the month of June you can watch the best programming about asteroids on Asteroid Day TV, via satellite or online, information here: https://asteroidday.org/. The channel will broadcast programming from Discovery Science, TED, IMAX, BBC, CNN, The European Space Agency (ESA), the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and other top content producers.

One 30 June 2020 the broadcast will change to Asteroid Day LIVE Digital from Luxembourg. This programme of live interviews with experts from around the world will cover themes such as asteroid discovery, planetary defense, space resources, asteroid space missions and more.