
Initial Progress on the Science of Science

  • Conférencier  Dr. Dashun Wang – Associate Professor of Management and Organizations at the Kellogg School of Management, and the McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University, USA

  • Lieu

    Remote Session


  • Thème(s)
    Sciences sociales

Science of Science in the Spotlight (SciSci) is committed to provide a forum for multidisciplinary research exchanges in the field of Science of Science in Luxembourg through international collaborations with leading experts from complementary cognate research fields and disciplines.

The increasing availability of large-scale datasets that trace the entirety of the scientific enterprise, have created an unprecedented opportunity to explore scientific production and reward. Parallel developments in data science, network science, and artificial intelligence offer us powerful tools and techniques to make sense of these millions of data points. Together, they tell a complex yet insightful story about how scientific careers unfold, how collaborations contribute to discovery, and how scientific progress emerges through a combination of multiple interconnected factors. These opportunities—and challenges that come with them—have fueled the emergence of a multidisciplinary community of scientists that are united by their goals of understanding science. These practitioners of the science of science use the scientific methods to study themselves, examine projects that work as well as those that fail, quantify the patterns that characterize discovery and invention, and offer lessons to improve science as a whole. In this talk, I’ll highlight some examples of research in this area, hoping to illustrate the promise of science of science as well as its limitations.

Meeting link: https://unilu.webex.com/unilu/j.php?MTID=meef9322a9f004fb733b33fb3218d620a

Meeting number:181 534 1994
