
A stroll in the world of finitely generated groups

  • Conférencier  Prof. Indira Chatterji

  • Lieu

    Campus Belval Maison du Savoir, room 3.110


  • Thème(s)

This conference is part of the MAST Lecture Series organised by the Mathematics Department of the University of Luxembourg with the support of the FNR. The objective is to share the most recent developments of mathematics and their applications in the Luxembourg scientific community.


A group is a mathematical object intrinsically linked with the notions of symmetry and transformation. Formally, it is a set equipped with a binary operation that combines any two elements to form a third element in such a way that four axioms are satisfied: closure, associativity, identity and invertibility. Groups that can be described using only finitely many elements are called finitely generated and will be the focus of this talk: I will give examples, show pictures to explain where some of them come from, what they may look like, and discuss a potential application in cryptography.


Indira Chatterji is now a professor at the University of Nice after having held positions in Orléans, Ohio, Cornell and a PhD at the ETH in Zürich. She is an expert in Geometric group theory, has been recognized by numerous grants and awards and is an editor at several leading mathematics journals.