
DTU CALIDIE Lectures in Qualitative Data Analysis: Analysing Multimodal Ethnographic Data from Education Contexts: Individual, Collaborative and Action Research Approaches

  • Conférencier  Dr Haley De Korne, University of Oslo

  • Lieu

    Campus Belval, Maison du Savoir, room 2.240


  • Thème(s)
    Sciences humaines

Ethnographic data provides rich and nuanced insights into educational contexts, however it can also be a challenge for researchers to organize and analyse diverse data sources including field notes, interviews, focus groups, photos, videos, documents and other artefacts from the field site. In this talk I will give an overview of common ethnographic analysis approaches, including coding, memoing, and member checks. I will draw on examples from my own individual, collaborative and action research projects to illustrate approaches to data analysis, including common challenges along the way.

Haley De Korne (PhD Educational Linguistics) works at the crossroads of Applied Linguistics, Education, and Anthropology, specializing in ethnography and action research on language learning, literacy practices, and social justice in multilingual education contexts. She has conducted fieldwork in the US, Mexico, Luxembourg and the Philippines. She is a member of the Center for Multilingualism in Society Across the Lifespan (MultiLing), University of Oslo.


