
Helping to stabilise Ukraine’s economy

  • Faculté de Droit, d'Économie et de Finance (FDEF)
    Université / Administration centrale et Rectorat
    14 octobre 2022
  • Catégorie
    Recherche, Université
  • Thème

As a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many scholars and scientists have left the country. More than 30 Ukrainian researchers displaced by the war have temporarily joined the University of Luxembourg mainly as research fellows and in some cases under temporary contracts funded by the FNR. In this series of interviews, we briefly present the researchers and their work.

Liudmyla Momotiuk is a PhD in Economics (Finance), DSc in Economics (Statistics), and Professor in Finance at the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. She is a Visiting Researcher at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance at the University of Luxembourg.

What is your research field, and which specific topic are you working on?

My main scientific interests are focused on the problems of the financial system, statistical research of economic and social processes. My topic: Statistical research of financial stability of Ukraine.

What would you like to achieve in your research work here, in Luxembourg? Why does it make sense for you to collaborate specifically with the University of Luxembourg?

My research activity at the University of Luxembourg is, firstly, the opportunity to look from the inside at the organisation of the work of a large European university. Secondly, it is a chance for communication with European colleagues, the opportunity to take part in seminars, conferences, and other events. Thirdly, it is an opportunity to continue my research and do my day-to-day work related to my Ukrainian university in my usual academic atmosphere. I would like to improve my research by using the experiences and the information sources which I have access to at the University of Luxembourg.  In the future, I would like to use my knowledge to be involved in scientific research at the University of Luxembourg.

What do you think is the biggest contribution your work can bring?

My research is related to the problems of Ukraine’s economy. The main goal of my research is to find ways of stabilising the economy of my home country. This is especially important during the war and in the post-war period. I strongly believe that the quality of life of the population depends directly on the level of development of the economy and the financial system.

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