
History Types – Building block for a Theory of Public History?

  • Conférencier  Thorsten Logge

  • Lieu

    Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History University of Luxembourg – Belval Campus

    11, Porte des Sciences

    L-4366, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU

  • Thème(s)
    Sciences humaines

This lecture is part of the Hands on History series.

Public history is still in the discovery phase in German-speaking Central Europe. In particular, well-founded theoretical approaches remain a desideratum for the development and establishment of a research-oriented public history as a recognized academic subject. The concept of „history types” is intended as a proposal for a systematic approach to analyze history in various media forms and formats. At the same time the concept offers the possibility to define passive and active history type competences as goals of public history curricula, study programs or modules – and to opening up a fundamental discussion about what academic and non-academic historiography is and should be in the 21st century.

Thorsten Logge is an assistant professor for Public History at the University of Hamburg. He studied History, Psychology and Political Science at the Universities of Hamburg and Gießen. As a doctoral candidate at the University of Gießen, Logge received a full scholarship of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and was both a fellow of the graduate school “Transnational Media Events from Early Modern Times to the Present” and the “Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture” (GCSC). His German dissertation „On the medial construction of the nation. The Schiller centenary 1859 in Europe and North America“ has been published 2014. From 2010 to 2017 he worked as a research assistant and coordinator of Public History at the University of Hamburg. His recent research project examines the production, representation, distribution and perception of history in public spheres on the example of the Battle of Gettysburg cycloramas from the 1880s to the mid 2000s.